Truth, Expression, Community, and Black Lives Matter.
The Collective Perspective is a collaboration of artists, musicians, poets, writers, and those with a voice to be shared.
Multiple perspectives are represented and the truth we explore is as varied as those who participate.
All dialogue shared is respected and encouraged, regardless of differing opinions, as we explore the topics of interest to each participant.
We have four series to the show: The Conversation, Artist Interviews, Readers Theatre, and Race & Privilege.
The Conversation is about real "life" issues discussed with the interest in evolving our understanding of them.
Artist Interviews feature other professional artists we have found inspirational and features their work when possible.
Readers Theatre is a virtual version of what has traditionally been done in living rooms among theatre friends or in theaters as a way to fill seats on slow nights and give audiences another option for live entertainment. With these being held on Zoom, we feature four playwrights and/or screenwriters, their one-act play or short excerpt, and multiple actors taking various roles throughout.
Race & Privilege conversations are a way to continue expanding personal and collective awareness about long-running injustices that are foundational to our white supremacist cultural structure.
The goal of the show is truth.